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Tips To Design Your Office Space As Per Vastu Principles

Tips To Design Your Office Space As Per Vastu Principles

We as Indian society cognize the importance of Vastu in our daily lives. Vastu Shastra is the Indian traditional architectural science, it works on directions and geometry. The beauty of Vastu Shastra lies in its results and understanding. Vastu principles play a crucial role with a stable flow of finances, luck and growth based on the significance of directions that includes, Eshanya(Northeast), Vayavya(Northwest), Agneya(Southeast), Nairuthya(Southwest). A clear belief that prosperity resides at your dwelling is addressed with a proper execution of vastu principles. Let’s dig into some vital principles that will be your associating growth factor

We as Indian society cognize the importance of Vastu in our daily lives. Vastu Shastra is the Indian
traditional architectural science, it works on directions and geometry. The beauty of Vastu Shastra lies
in its results and understanding. Vastu principles play a crucial role with a stable flow of finances, luck and growth based on the significance of directions that includes, Eshanya(Northeast), Vayavya(Northwest), Agneya(Southeast), Nairuthya(Southwest). A clear belief that prosperity resides
at your dwelling is addressed with a proper execution of vastu principles. Let’s dig into some vital principles that will be your associating growth factor:

1. It is believed that the employees should sit in the north, east or north-east direction for better productivity. These directions mark growth. It is important to note, the salesperson should face the north east direction for proactiveness.

2. According to Vastu Shastra the leadership position should necessarily be seated in the west direction facing north east. It is believed that facing the north east direction helps one with better decision making capabilities and improve leadership skills.

3. North is said to be the direction of money workflow. It is the direction with great financial profits. The locker, or a picture of Lord Kubera or Goddess Laxmi should be hung on the northern wall. It is suggested to add a mirror or Kuber Yantra to the northern wall. It is said that the yantra helps in the stable flow of finances.

4. The reception desk is believed to incorporate in the north-east direction and logo should be placed on the southern wall of the reception desk.

5. There must be plants kept on the entryway to promote positivity at the workplace. As per the Vastu principles, auspicious plants play an important role in promoting good vibes and happiness. It is believed that if you keep lavender flowers or a clover plant on the reception desk, it brings luck.

6. Sacred plants like Tusli, Snake plant, Bamboo plant, Peace Lily, Money plant, Lotus plant, are proven to bring luck, serenity. Snake plants tend to absorb negativity and prevail positive energy flow.

7. Vastu Shastra strictly prohibits the use of damaged chairs or tables, they are said to be unlucky for the company. It restricts the overall growth of the company.

8. Avoid using glass based or L-shaped or metal tables. They tend to attract bad luck and negativity. It is even believed that the leader’s desk should be rectangular and never be a different shape, it tends to create confusion and stress.

9. Important documents are asked to be kept in the southwest direction of the space. A neat desk should be maintained.

10. Storage area should necessarily be on the right side of the workstation facing east, it adds prosperity to the well being.

11. The office temple should be in the north or north east direction. It brings prosperity if you keep Ganesha’s idol on the entrance.

12. Employees or the employers should never sleep on their desk, sleeping on the desk promotes negativity.


Why is Vastu important?
Vastu Shastra is mentioned in the old Hindu scripture, Atharva Veda. It is said to connect humans with
nature, since vastu shastra works in two divisions, directions and geometry. The world is composed of
panchamahabhuta that is agni(fire), vaayu(air), jal(water), akash(space), prithvi(earth). These
mahabhuta bring everyone to life. Vastu Shastra works on these tatvas. Each direction signifies an element, and each tatva generates a vibration.To tackle with such Vastu science is used. Yes, Vastu science, Vastu Shastra is a science that works on the principles of nature. According to science, the North pole and South pole are the energy rich poles where the electromagnetic waves buffer. Vastu shastra explains the same, north and south directions are the directions with good sources of energies. It explains the positive and negative end that generates positive energy and negative energy respectively that would possibly reside at your dwelling. Looking at it for the long term can be one of the good investments you can make for your home. Indulging in Vastu is not a myth but science that tends to bring positive vibes, positive luck and associated good things to you! Hence it’s important. 

Vastu Shastra has been present between us for centuries, the beauty that Indian tradition has brought
to us is worth giving a try not only on spiritual aspect but on scientific level. This blog spot brings you
your traditions that roots back to Indian scriptures. Vastu shastra is significantly known to bring good
luck, prosperity and growth to the office space which will ultimately ascend your business growth. It
imbibes positivity, values and better luck.This blog spot will help you to design the space with simple
yet effective tips. Happy designing!

Tags :
commercial interior design,interior design,office interior design,office space design,Office space design ideas
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